Entries scheduled to be included in the summer of 2008. For the definitive list, see DNCJ (2009).
0-9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Aberdeen Journal
Actors by Daylight
Adams, W. E.
Adams, William Edwin
Advertisements (topic)
Advertising agencies
advertising industry
Agnostic Annual
Agony columns (topic)
Ainsworth Magazine
Ainsworth, William Harrison
Alexandra Magazine
All The Year Round
Allen, Grant
Allen, W.H.
Allingham, William
Ally Sloper's Half-Holiday / Half Hour
Alsager, Thomas Massa
Ambrose Cuddon
Analytical Review
Andrews, William Eusebius
Anglo-Saxon Review (1899-1901)
Annals and Magazine of Natural History
Annals Sporting, Farling Gaz
Anonimity and Signature (topic)
Ansted, David Thomas
Anstie, Francis Edmund
Answers (topic)
Apperley, Charles James
Applegarth and Cowper
Appleton, Charles
Appleton's Popular Science Monthly
Archeological Journal
Archives (topic)
Arnold, Edwin
Arnold, Matthew
Ashton, Teddy
Associated Press (topic)
Athletic News
Austin, Alfred
Austin, Sarah
authorship and the press
Baby (periodical)
Bachelor's Buttons
Bachelor's Paper
Bacon, Richard Mackenzie
Bagehot, Walter
Baily's monthly sport pastimes
Bain, Alexander
Baines, Edward and Thomas
Baldwin family
Ballantyne, James
Ballin, Ada
Bamford, Samuel
Baner ac Amserau Cymru
Banker's Circular
Barker, Joseph
Barnard Gregory
Barrett, William Alexander
Baxter, John
Becker, Lydia Ernestine
Beeton, Isabella
Beeton, Samuel
Belfast Newsletter
Belfast Weekly News
Belle Assemblee (and "court magazines")
Bell's Life in London , and Sporting Chronicle
Benbow, William
Bennett, Alfred William
Bennett, Arnold
Bennett, Joseph
Bentley, J.J.
Bentley, Richard
Bentley's Miscellany
Bent's Monthly Literary Advisor
Besant, Annie
Besant, Walter
Bevington (Guggenberger), Louisa Sarah
Bicycling Times
Billington, Mary
Bindley, Charles
Binstead, Arthur Morris
Birmingham Argus
Birmingham Daily Post
Birmingham Journal and General Advertiser
Black and White
Black Dwarf
Black Dwarf
Black, Helen
Black, William
Blackburn, Helen
Blackwood, John
Blackwood, William
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
Blakey, Robert
Blanco White
Blatchford, Robert Peel Glanville
Blathwaite, Raymond
Blind, Mathilde
Blumenfeld, Ralph David
Bodichon, Barbara
Bolster's Quarterly
Bolton Weekly Journal
Bombay Chronicle
Book World
Books of Beauty
Bottomley, Horatio William
Boucherette, Jessie
Bowles, Thomas Gibson
Bowring, John
Boy's Journal (Vickers) 1863-71
Boy's Miscellany (Harrison), c. 1884
Boys of England
Boy's Own Magazine
Boys Own Paper
Bradbury and Evans
Bradbury, William
Braddon,Mary Elizabeth
Bradlaugh, Charles
Bradlaugh, Charles
Bradlaugh, Charles
Bradlaugh, Charles (by Joan Allen ? )-
Brandard family
Brande, William Thomas
Brett, Edwin J
Brewster, David
Brierley, Ben
British & Foreign Confectioner & Food Trades' Journal
British and Foreign Evangelical Review
British and Foreign Review
British Bandsman
British Chess Mag
British Controversialist and Impartial Inquirer
British Medical Journal
British Mother's Magazine
British Quarterly Review
British Workwoman
Broadsides and Chapbooks (topic)
Brooks, Shirley
Brough, John Cargill
Brough, Robert
Brown, Matilda "Myra"
Buchanan, David
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
Bucknill, Sir John Charles
Burgess, Joseph
Burnand, Francis
Butt, Isaac
Caird, Mona
Calcutta Review
Caldecott, Randolph
Camilla Dufour Toulmin (Mrs.Crossland)
Campbell, Lady Colin
Cannon, George
cannonical verse
Cape Argus
Cape Times
Carleton, William
Carlile, Elizabeth
Carlile, Richard
Carpenter, William
Carpenter, William Benjamin
Carr, Joseph William Comyns
Cassell & Co
Cassell, John
Cassell's (Illustr.) Family Paper / Magazine
Celebrities of the Day
censorship and trials
Century Guild Hobby Horse
Chalmers, Thomas (and family)
Chambers' (Edinburgh) Journal
Chambers, Robert
Chambers, William
Champion, Henry Hyde
Chapman, John
Chartist press (topic)
Chatto and Windus
Chemical News
Children's Friend
Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Chorley, John Rutter
Christian Examiner
Christian Globe
Christian Johnstone
Christian Johnstone
Christian Lady's Magazine
Christian Mother's Magazine
Christian Observer
Christian Reformer (periodical)
Christian Remembrance (periodical)
Christian World Magazine
Christine E. Demain Hammond ("Chris")
Christmas issues
Church Times
Cigar & Tabacco World
Circulating Libraries
Circulation (topic)
Citizen, or Dublin Monthly Magazine
Clark, T. and T.
Clarke (Novello), Mary Victoria Cowden
Clarke, Charles Allen
Clarke, Charles Cowden
Clarke, James Fernandez
Class Journalism
Clayton, Joseph
Cleave, John
Cleave's Weekly Police Gazette
Clementina Black
Clephan, James
Clerke, Agnes Mary
Clerkenwell News / Daily Chronicle
Clifford, William Kingdon
Clowes family
clubs and clubland
Cobbe, Francis Power
Cobbett's Political Register
Coke, Mrs. Talbot
Colburn, Henry
Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth (Anodos, Avoos)
collaborative features
Collins family
Collins, Wilkie
Colvin, Sydney
Commonweal (periodical)
Companion to the Newspaper
Constable and Co
Contemporary Review
Cook, Eliza
Cooke, Mordecai
Cooper, Thomas
Co-Operative Magazine
Co-operative press
Cooper's Journal
Copyright (topic)
Cork Examiner
Corlett, John
Cormack, Sir John Rose
Cornhill Magazine
Costello, Dudley & Louisa
Cotton Factory Times
Countess of Blessington
Country Life
Court Reports and Reporting (topic)
Courthope, W.J.
Courts, court reporting
Cowen, Joseph
Cowie, George
Crackanthorpe, B. A.
Crawford, Virginia Mary
Crawfurd, Oswald
Crime reporting
Croker, John Wilson
Crookes, William
Curry, William
Cust, Harry
Daily Graphic
Daily Telegraph
Daily Telegraph
Dangerfield, Edmund
D'Arcy, Ella
D'Arcy, Ella
D'Arcy, Ella
Davenport, Allen
David Macbeth "Delta" Moir
Davis, Thomas
Davison, James
Dawson, William
de la Rue family
De Quincey, Thomas
Democratic Review
Diamond, Charles
Dick, Thomas
Dickens, Charles
Dicks, John
Dilke, Charles
Dilke, Emilia née Strong
Divorce News and Police Reporter
Dixon, Ella Hepworth
Dixon, Henry
Dixon, William Hepworth
Doherty, John
Domestic News
Doran, John
Doubleday, Thomas
Douglas Jerrold's Shilling Magazine
Douglas Jerrold's Weekly Newspaper
Draper (and other titles)
Dress and Fashion
Dublin Evening Mail
Dublin Penny Journal
Dublin University Magazine
Duffy, Charles Gavan
Duffy, James
Duffy's Hibernian Magazine
Dugdale, William
Dundee Courier
Dunn, James Nichol
Dunphee, Charles James
Eagles, John
Ecclesiastical Gazette
Ecclesiologist (periodical)
Eclectic Review
Edinburgh Evening Courant
editors and authorship
Edward Hulton
Edward, Arnold
Elias, Julius Salter
Eliza Cook's Journal
Elliott, A.R.D.
Elliott, Ebenezer
Elmy, Elizabeth C.W. (and Benjamin Elmy)
Elwin, Whitwell
Empson, William
English Gentleman
English Illustrated Magazine
English Republic
Englishman's Magazine
Englishwoman (periodical)
Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine
Englishwoman's Review of Social & Ind'l Qns
Englishwoman's Journal
Escott, T.H.S.
Evangelical Christendom (periodical)
Evangelical Magazine
Evans, Frederick Moule
Evans, Frederick Mullett
Evans, John
Evening News
Exquisite, The
Faithfull, Emily
Family Herald
Family Paper (topic)
Farish, William
Farningham, Marianne
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett
Female Missionary Intelligencer
Feminist Press' Journalism, camp. Wom.'s Rights
Fennell, John Grenville
Ffennell, William Joshua
Fiction Bureaus
Fiction in religious periodicals
Fiction syndication
Finance and the Press
Financial and Commercial Record
Financial and Commercial Record
Financial News
Financial press
Finlay, Francis Dalzell
Fishing Gazette
Fitzgerald, W.J.
Fleet Street
Fleming [N Star]
Flindell, Thomas
Florence A. Claxton
Florence K. Upton
Folds, John
Football Annual
football specials
Forbes, Archibald
Forbes, John
Forster, Thomas Ignatius Maria
Fox, W. J.
Fox, William Johnson
Francis, John
Francis, William
Frederick and Hall
Freedom of the press
Freemans Journal
Freer, Ada Goodrich
Free-thought press
French Press
Friedrichs, Hulda
Friend of India/Statesman
Frost, Thomas
Froude, J.A.
Funny Folks
Gammage, Robert George
Gardener's Chronicle
Gast, John
Gatty, Margaret ("Aunt Judy")
Gauntlet: A Sound Republican Weekly Newspaper
Gee, Thomas
Gender (see below?)
Gender and the press
George Eliot (pseud. of Marian Evans)
Gertrude E. Demain Hammond
Gifford, William
Gilbert and Rivington, family
Gilfillan, George
Gill, Michael Henry
Girl's magazines
Girl's Own Paper
Glasgow Herald
Good Words
Good Words For The Young
Goodfellow, Robin
Gordon, Alice Mary (née Brandreth)
Gosse, Edmund
Governess (periodical)
Grand, Sarah
Grant, Robert
Greenwood, Frederick
Greenwood, James
Greg, W.R.
Gregory, Sir Richard Arman
Grimstone, Mary Leman
Grocer and Oil Trade Review
Grocer's Journal
Grosvenor, John
Grove, Archibald
Grove, George
Grub Street
Gruneisen, Charles Lewis
Gutch, John Mathew
Hall, Anna Maria
Hall, Samuel Carter
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
Hansard, Thomas Curson and family
Hardwicke, Robert
Hardwicke, Robert
Hardwicke's Science Gossip
Hardy, P.D
Hardy, Thomas
Harmsworth, Albert
Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William
Harmsworth, Harold Sidney
Harmsworth's Magazine / London Magazine
Harney, George Julian
Harper and Bros. / Sons
Harris, Frank (James Thomas Harris)
Harrison, Frederic
Hart, Ernest Abraham
Hatton, Joseph
Haydn, Timoth Joseph
Hays, Matilda Mary
Helen Allingham
Helen Hoppner Coode
Henley, William Ernest
Henry Anelay
Henry Sampson
Herbert, Henry William
Herschel, Sir John
Hetherington, Henry
Heywood, Abel
Hilda Gertrude Cowham
Hill, William
History and journalism
Hobson, Joshua
Hodder and Stoughton
Hoey, Christopher Clinton
Hogarth, George
Holme, Charles
Holmes, Edward
Holmes, Edward
Holyoake, Austin
Holyoake, George Jacob
Home Chat
Home Circle
Home Friend
Home Journal
Home Notes
Hone, William
Hone's Reformists' Register & Weekly Comment.
Hood, Thomas
Hook, Theodore
Hooker, William Jackson
Hope, Beresford
Horne, R.H.
Horse and Hounds
house magazine for publisher
Household Words
Howitt, Mary (Botham)
Howitt, William
Hubbard, Lousia
Hudson, Edward Burgess
Hueffer, Francis
Hunt, James
Hunt, John
Hunt, Leigh
Hunt, Thornton
Hunt's Universal Yacht List
Huxley, Thomas Henry
Hyndman, Henry Mayers
Iliffe, Edward and family
Illustr Sporting & DramNews
Illustrated Police News
Illustrated Times
Imperialism and journalism
Ingram, Herbert
Institute of Journalists (topic)
Interviews (topic)
Inverness Courier
Ipswich Journal
Irish Builder
Irish Independent
Irish Liberator
Irish Literary Gazette
Irish Monthly
Irish nationalist press (topic)
Irish People
Irish Quarterly Review
Irish Society
Irish Times
Irish Weekly
Irving, Joseph
Jackson's Oxford Journal
James, Henry
Jameson, Anna
Jennings, Louis
Jeremiah Garnett
Jerome, Jerome K.
Jerrold, Blanchard
Jerrold, Douglas
Jeune, Lady
Jeweller and Metalworker
Jewsbury, Geraldine
Jewsbury, Maria Jane
John Bell
John Gilbert
Johnson, Thomas Bureland
Johson, Thomas Bureland
Jones, Ernest
Jones, Stephen
Jones, William Kennedy
Journal of Mental Science
Journal of the Workhouse Visiting Society
journalism and music
Journalism Schools
journalism schools
Journalist: rise of the profession; its prehistory
Justice (periodical)
Justice of the Peace and County...
Kane, Sir Robert John
Kate Greenaway
Kegan, Paul & Co
Keltie, Sir John Scott
Kemble, John Mitchell
Kent's W Disp Sport Merc
Kidd, Benjamin
Kingston Magazine for Boys
Kingston's Magazine for Boys
Klein, Hermann
Klickmann, Flora
Knowles, James
Kydd, Samuel
La Bouchere, Henry Du Pre
Labour and Socialist periodicals
Labour Elector
Labour Leader
Labour Leader
Labour Prophet
Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music and Romance
Ladies' Companion
Ladies' Journal, The
Ladies' Treasury
Ladies' Companion / Lady
Lady, The
Lady's Pictorial
Lady's Realm
Laman Blanchard
Lamb, Charles
Lancashire Congregational Calendar / Year Book
Land and Water
Landon, Letitia
Lane, John
Lang, Andrew
Lankester, Edwin
Lankester, Edwin Ray
Lankester, Phebe [pseud. Penelope] [née Pope]
Lardner, Dionysius
Last, Joseph William
Latimer, Thomas
Law Magazine and (Law) Review
Law Quarterly Review
Lawrance, Hannah
Lawson, Edward Levy
Le Fanu, J.S.
Le Gallienne, Richard Thomas
Le Sage, Sir John Merry
Leach, James
Leatherland, John A.
Lee, Rawdon Briggs
Lees, Frederick
Leigh Hunt's Journal and LH's London Journal
Leighton, Charles Blair
Leisure Hour
Leman Gillies, Mary
Lemon, Mark
Leno, John Bedford
Letters to Editors/Correspondence
Levy, Joseph Moses
Lewes, G.H.
Lewis / Freund, Amelia
Light On The Way
Linton, Eliza Lynn
Linton, William James
Lion of Freedom
Literary Gazette and Journal Belles Lettres
Literary replication
Liverpool Courrier and Commercial Advertiser
Liverpool Daily Post
Liverpool Journal of Commerce
Liverpool Standard and Commercial Advertiser
Livsey, Joseph
Lloyd, Edward
Lloyd's Weekly Newsp. / W. News / Illustr. Lond
Local papers
Lockhart, John Gibson
Lockyer, Joseph Norman
London (title)
London Ass. Brit. Emp. newNspapers Overseas
London Magazine
London Mechanics' Register
London Press
London Standard
Londonderry Standard
Longman and Sons
Longman's Magazine
Lover, Samuel
Lovett, William
Lucy, Sir Henry William
Ludlow, John Malcolm
Lugard, Dame Flora Louise
Lunn, Henry Charles
Luxford, George
Mabel Lucy Atwell
MacColl, D.S.
Maccoll, Norman
Macleod, Norman
Macmillan, Alexander
MacRae, Douglas Gordon
Madden, Richard Robert
Magan, James Clarence
Magazine (topic)
Maginn, William
Mahoney, Francis
Mainly About People
Maitland, John Alexander Fuller
Manchester Examiner
Manchester Guardian
Manchester Guardian
Manchester Guardian and British Volunteer
March-Phillips, Evelyn
market (The Market)
Marryat, Florence
Marryat, Florence
Marshall, Simpkin & Co
Martin Cobbett
Martineau Harriet
Mary Eden Edwards
Maryatt, Frederick
Mason, David
Massey, Gerald
Master Humphrey's Clock
Maudsley, Henry
Maund, Benjamin
Maxwell, John
Maxwell, W.H.
May's British & Irish Press Guide & Advertiser's
McGee, Thomas D'Arcy
McGlashan, James
Meade, L. T.
Meadows, Kenny
Mechanics Magazine
Melbourne Age
Mennons family
Menzies, John
Merry England
Meteyard, Eliza ('Silverpen')
Meynell, Alice
Miles, Eustace Hamilton
Miller, Thomas
Mirror of Literature, Amusement, Instr.
Miscellany (topic)
Missionary press (topic)
Mitchell, John
Mitchell's Press Directory
Momus, Comus; Cork Examiner, Country Words
Money Market Review
Monthly Packet
Monthly Packet
More, Hannah
Morgan's Monthly Circular
Morley, John
Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser
Morning Herald and Daily Advertiser
Morning Post
Morris, Mowbray
Morris, William
Morris, William
Mothers' Magazine
Mothers' Magazines
Mozley, Anne
Mozley, Anne
Mrs Ellis' Morning Call
Murray, John
Musical Standard (periodical)
Musical Times and Singing Record
Napier, Macvey
Nast, Thomas
Nation (Irish)
National Association Review
National Omnibus and General Advertiser
National Reformer
National Union of Journalists
New Age
New European Magazine
New Journalism
New Monthly Magazine
New Moral World
New Quarterly Magazine
New Review
New Review
New Sporting Magazine
Newcastle Courant
Newcastle Daily Chronicle
Newcastle Weekly Chronicle
Newgate Monthly Magazine
Newman, Edward pseud Rusticus
Newman, Ernest
News Agencies / Newsagents
Newsgathering Methods etc.
Newspaper Directories (topic)
newspaper novels
Newspaper taxes / taxes on knowledge / stamp acts
Newspaper trains
Newspaper, (Lloyd's) Sunday News
Nichols family
Nicholson, William
Nicoll, W.R.
Nicoll, William Robertson
Nineteenth Century
Norman, Sir Henry
North of England Magazine
Northern Liberator
Northern Star
Northern Tribune
Northern Wig
Norton, Caroline
Notes and Queries
Notes to the people
Notes to the People
Nursing Record
O'Sullivan, Mortimer
O'Sullivan, Samuel
O'Brien, Bronterre
O'Connor, Feargus
O'Connor, Thomas Power
O'Donovan, John
Oliphant, Margaret
Once a Week
Once a Week
Oral and Print Culture
Orientalism and journalism
Ottawa Citizen
Otway, Caesar
Our Celebrities: a portrait gallery
Owen, David
Owen, Richard
Owen, Robert
Oxenford, John
Pagan Review
Paget family
Pall Mall Magazine
Pamphlets for the People
Paper and Printing Trades Journal
Parke, Ernest
Parker, John William
Parks, Bessie
Parliamentary Reports
Pater, Walter
Patriot (periodical)
Paul, Charles Kegan
Paul, Kegan
Payn, James
Pearson, Sir Cyril Arthur
Pearson's Magazine
Pennell, Elizabeth Robins
Pennell, Joseph
Penny Novelist
Penny press calculated to instruct readership
Penny Story-Teller
People's Book
Peoples' Journal
People's Periodical and Family Library
Petrie, George
Pharmaceutical Journal
Phillips, Claude
Phillips, Evelyn March
Phillips, Samuel
Philosophical Magazine
Philp, Robert Kemp
Phrenological Magazine
Pickering, William
Pickering, William
Pierce Egan
Place, Francis
Political economy and the journalism
Political Parties and the Press
Politics and Journalism
Politics for the People
Poole's Index
Poor Man's Advocate and People's Library
Popular Science Monthly
Pornography / Erotic
Potter, Thomas Rossell
Power, John
Power, Marguerite
press agencies
Press barons
Press history and its 19c construction
Price and cover price
Primitive Methodist Magazine
Pringle, Thomas
printing presses
Proceedings of the Society for Physical Research
Proctor, Richard Anthony
Professional Journals
Professionalism (gentlemen vs journalists)
Professions and Journalism
Public libraries
Publisher's Circular
Publishers and the Press
Publisher's Circular
puffing, log rolling
Pyne, William Henry
Quaker periodicals
Quarterly Journal of Science
Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review
Quarterly Review
Queen (periodical)
Queen's Magazine
Quelch, Harry
Quilter, Harry
Racing Calendar
Racing Times
Racing World
railway journals (topic)
Railway Magazine
Railway Press
Railway Review
Railway Times
Ramé, (Maria) Louise ("Ouida")
Ranyard, Arthur Cowper
Rational Dress Society's Gazette (C is Mark Knight?)
Reading and Gender, Reading and Class
Reading and Literacy
Reading rooms
Record Of The Musical Union
Red Dragon
Red Dwarf
Red Republican and Friend of the People
Reformer's Register
Religious journalism
Religious Tract Society (topic)
Review of Reviews
Reynolds, George W. M.
Reynolds, John Hamilton
Reynolds's Political Instructor
Richards, Grant
Richardson, Benjamin Ward
Richardson, J. Hall
Ricketts, Charles
Rivingtons family
Robert Stephen Rintoul
Robertson, George Croom
Robinson, David
Rollason, Ann
Rosamund Marriott Watson
Ross, Janet Anne
Ross, John Wilson
Rossetti, W.M.
Routledge, George
Royal Irish Academy Proceedings / Transactions
Ruff, William
Russel, Alexander
Rymer, Malcolm
Sala, G.A.
Sampson Low
Sampson, Henry
Samuelson, James
satirical magazines
Saturday Review
Saunders's Newsletter
Savage, James
Science and Journalism
Science Popularization
Scissors and paste journalism
Scots/National Observer
Scott, John William Robertson
Scott, Walter
Scott, William Bell
Scott, William Clement
Scottish Mountaineering Club
Scottish Newspapers
Scottish press
Scottish Review
SDUK, SPCK (topic)
Secular Press
Secular Review
Sergeant, Edward Cox
serials and the 19c publishing industry
Servant's Magazine
Shafts (periodical)
Shannon, Charles Hazlewood
Sharpe's London Magazine
Sharples, Eliza ("Lady of the Rotunda")
Sharples, Elizabeth
Shaw, G.B.
Sheffield Iris
Sherard, Robert
Shilling Monthlies
Shoberl, Frederic
Shorter, C.K.
Simcox, Edith
Simms, George
Skelton, John
Sketch (periodical)
Skues, George Edw M
Slack, Henry James
Smalley, George Washburn
Smith, George
Smith, Herbert Greenhough
Smith, Mrs. Burnett ("Annie S. Swan")
Smith, W.H.
Smith, William H.
Social Review
socialist newspapers ??
socialist periodicals
Society of Women Journalists (incl. Stannard)
Sollicitors Journal
Somerville, Mary Fairfax Greig
Sommerville, Alexander
Sons of Britannia
Southward, John
Southwell, Charles
Sowerby, Amy Millicent
Spencer, Herbert
Spender, John Alfred
Spielmann, Marion Harry
Spiritual Magazine
Spiritualist press
Sporting Chronicle
Sporting Clipper
Sporting Gazette
Sporting Life
Sporting Mag, Transact Turf
Sporting Review
Sporting Times
St John family
St. Paul's Magazine
Standard, The
Stead, William Thomas
Steed, Henry Wickham
Steevens, George Warrington
Stephen, James Fitzjames
Stephen, Leslie
Stephens, Frederic George
Stephenson, George John
Stevens, G.W.
Stevenson, R.A.M.
Stirling Observer
Stockdale, John
Stoddart, Jane
Strahan, Alexander
Strand Magazine
Strange, William
Stuart, Daniel
Sturmey, J.J. Henry
Sully, James
Sunday At Home
Sunday Times
Supplements, pull-outs, gifts
Surtees, Robert
Swinburne, A.C.
Symons, Arthur
syndication (topic)
T. P.'s Weekly
Tait, William
Tait's Edinburgh Magazine
Tatler (1830 - 1832)
Taylor, Richard
Teddy Ashton's Journal
Tegetmeier, William Bernhardt
Telegram: Common Law ...
Telegraph (topic)
Temperance Advocate
Temperenace magazines (topic)
Temple Bar
The Band of Hope Review
The British Workman
The Cottager and Artisan
The Northern Star, Leeds General Advert.
Theatre / Theatre Annual
Theatrical Inquisitor
Theological Review
Thom, Alexander & Sons
Thomas Mozley
Thompson, Henry Yates
Thomson, David Croal
Thomson, Sir William
Thomson, Thomas
Tilloch, Alexander
Tilloch, Alexander
Tillotson, William Frederic
Timber Trades Journal
Timbs, John
Times of India
Timperly, Charles Henry
Tom Taylor ???
Tonna, Charlotte (Browne)
Tooley, Sarah A.
Tracy, Louis
trade papers
Trade unions and the press
Trades' Newspaper and successor papers
Train (1856-58)
Transatlantic (topic)
Transatlantic journalism
Trewman family
Trimmer, Sarah
Troup, George
Trubner, Trench & Co
Tuke, Daniel Hack
Tyndall, John
type size/setting etc
Ulster Magazine
Ulster Observer
Ulster Times
Union Jack (1880-1883)
United Irishman and Galway American
Universal News
Unstamped press (topic)
Useful Knowledge.
Vanity Fair
Vernon Lee (pseud. Violet Paget)
Victoria Magazine
Vincent, Henry
Virtue, James
Vizetelly, Frank
Vizetelly, Henry
Wakley, Thomas
Wakley, Thomas [1851-1909]
Wakley, Thomas Henry
Wallace, Alfred Russel
Walsh, John Henry
Walter family
Walter, John
War and the history of 19c journalism
War Cry
Ward, Thomas Humphry
Ward, William
Watchmaker, Jeweller and ...
Waterlow, Sir Sidney Hedley
Watkins, John
Watson, James
Way, Thomas
Wedderburn, Robert
Wedgwood, Julia
Weekly Dispatch
Weekly Law Journal
Welcome Guest
Wells, H.G.
Wesh Press
Western mail
Western Vindicator
Westmacott, Charles Maloy
Westminster Gazette
Westminster Review
Wheeler, Thomas Martin
Whibley, Charles
Whitaker, Joseph & Joseph Vernon
White, William Hale
Whiteing, Richard
Wilde, Mrs William
Wilde, Oscar
Williams, Sir Dawson
Wills, W.H.
Wilson, B.C.
Wilson, John
Wilson, Mrs Baron
Wisemen, Nicholas
Woman at Home
Woman's Agricultural Times
Woman's World
Women and Work (periodical)
Women's Illust'd Mags/Rose, Shamrock, Thistle
Women's Penny Paper
Women's periodicals
Women's Suffrage Journal
Women's Union Journal
Women's domestic magazines
Women's Library
Women's newspapers
Woodgate, Walter Bradford
Woodward, Alice Bolingbroke
Wooler, Jonathan
Wooler, Thomas Jonathan
Working-class periodicals
Workman's Times
World (title)
Wormell, Richard
Wylie, William Howie
Wyndham, George
Wynter, Andrew
Yachting World
Yellow Book
Yellow Journalism
Yonge, C.M.
Yonge, Charlotte
Young Englishman's Journal
Young Folks
Young Ireland
Young Ladies' Journal
Young Men of Great Britain
Young Wales
Young Woman
Young Woman (periodical)
Zangwill, Israel
Zoological Journal